Despite Shae and my efforts to impress that we needed a later performance time, there is no way that we can be scheduled at a later time. I just got an email from Debbie on Monday while I was at the airport-- apparently the schedule has been set for over a month. I was unaware of this, as I had been told it was still TBD. The evening is always devoted to some thing called Midnight Madness and anime hell or something and then the soap bubble thing. So they will not change us. I even asked about a Friday show, which is also not possible.
The problem is this-- Nicole is graduating from college on that Saturday in the afternoon. As such, she and Phil are unavailable to perform. Her whole family is going to be here for the ceremony, and I know we're all really proud of her, so it isn't even a conceivable or in anyway expected option for her to miss her own graduation.
So, here is what we need to decide, and decide quickly. Do we try and figure out new people to fill and rehearse those roles? Mary said she may be able to come to ACen, and she was going to do a Z-addict for fun. In real jam, which this is, she might be able to reprise Shilo?
Or do we have to back out? I hate backing out of something we've agreed to. However, it also doesn't feel right not having Nicole and Phil there performing with us. I have one more option of trying to ask for Friday afternoon. I was told Friday night was not an option, but maybe afternoon? We'll see.
Thoughts? This is a really serious issue.